Pentecost’s Good Morn’

A mighty, rushing wind

Swept through the house with power;

fire rested on our heads,

the long-awaited hour.

We’d tarried in Jerusalem,

waited for this day.

In the upper room

He’d commanded us to pray.

We’d lingered long, long hours

after His ascension,

seeking what He’d promised:

the Holy Ghost’s descension.

Descend He did indeed,

with that mighty gust of wind.

Our mouths began to utter

words welling up within.

They weren’t words we understood;

this mattered not a bit.

Divided on our heads was seen

tongues that were fire-lit.

People in the city

passing by our wall,

heard in their home language,

the mighty works of God.

They became bewildered

as they heard us pray;

they began to wonder

if we’d been drunk all day.

Some were laughing, others jeering,

they began to mock.

Others were perplexed,

“what is this strange, odd talk?”

But no, we’d not been drunk;

then Peter took the stage.

With new boldness he declared

Repentance in this age.

“People of Jerusalem,

I proclaim that you may know:

It is the Spirit who was prophesied,

Sent to the earth below.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

whom you all crucified

He is the sent Messiah!

For you he bled and died!

He conquered death and rose again,

ascended into heaven

He promised us He’d send us power—

Not just me and the eleven!”

This promised Holy Spirit—

He is here to stay.

He is our Helper and our Comforter

before that glorious Day.

He gives us power to serve,

provides the power for change.

the bondages that tie us break

In Jesus’ precious name.

As the crowd stood there before him,

they were cut right to the heart,

Stricken, they asked, they pled,

“Brothers, from where, then, do we start?”

“Repent, and turn,” Peter replied,

“Submit yourselves to Him.

His arms are wide–wide open.

Jesus forgives us of our sin.”

So, within that day,

3,000 came to faith

The promised Holy Spirit came,

salvation in its wake.

A mighty, rushing wind,

a hurricane force-storm—

the promised power had arrived

Pentecost’s good morn’.