Abortion in the light

Indifference helps bad things keep happening—and the most dangerous place for a child IS before they’re born. In society and in hospitals, an unborn child is called “pregnancy tissue” or referred to as a “fetus,” because removing a baby before it’s time is inhumane. Those words and terms puts blinders on eyes to protect from feeling bad for doing something bad. It’s self-deception, and everyone plays along.

I am so sad for the workers AND the moms that abort, but especially the workers, because they’re causing pain to the mom too. All life is a massive gift. It should be honored as such.

Moms who have aborted have my sympathy. They need the time to heal. It is a horrifying experience and awful. The season of mourning needed when a life ends is also twisted with abortion; it robs the mother of grieving in rest.

Mental strongholds and ways of thinking, attitudes shown in societal terms (“fetus,” etc) and law and courses of medical action that allow free reign for sinful actions, desires, and ways of life concern me. It allows for the destruction of lives. I want to stand against them—not the people who live by them.



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